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“live cheerfully to the fullest.”

With 100% PURE Essential Oils of Rosemary, Clove, Lemon, Orange, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Turmeric


The heart-stretching sensory of Eucalyptus couples with the steadiness and empowering of Clove, and the peaceful delight of calming Lavender tinted with the liveliness of Lemon in the end, makes you feel like walking down to a sandy white beach with delicious fruit cocktail in your hand as the sun shine tenderly and the wind blows caresses gently.

  • Rosemary — fosters mental clarity
  • Clove — stimulates immunity
  • Lemon — generates positive moods
  • Orange — inspires optimism
  • Lavender — balances emotional swings
  • Eucalyptus — prevents respiratory infection
  • Turmeric — eases nervous tension and depression



  • Inhale directly from the bottle or place 3-5 drops on a tissue or a cotton ball and take a deep breath. (caution: avoid skin to be in contact with essential oil as it may cause irritation.)
  • Add 5-10 drops or more to diffusing devices. DO NOT DIFFUSE ESSENTIAL OIL IN DIFFUSING DEVICED WITHOUT WATER.
  • Dilute essential oil in carrier oils e.g. cold-pressed coconut oil or other vegetable oils (ratio:  1-2 drops essential oil: 1 teaspoon carrier oil) for skin application or massage.



  • For topical application, dilute before use.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and sensitive areas.
  • Women during pregnancy or breastfeeding should consult physician before using essential oils.
  • Avoid using essential oils on children under 5 years.
  • Keep out of reach of children.

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